November 14, 2022 - Afternoon activities

We are back to that time of year when a few hours makes a big difference in the amount of light available.This weekend we went on a couple late afternoon hikes. Good reminders that cloudy days and early sunsets make for dark treks back home.🤪
The lake is starting to freeze over.
The trees are stashing their own snowballs!
The museum lights are on. They move and change to resemble the aurora, very pretty!
Ryan remembered his headlamp this time to light the way. 🤷🏻‍♀️We finally had a sunny Sunday so we got out early to enjoy it. It also happened to be our first attempt at cross-country skiing! 
I think we did a lot more walking with long sticks on our feet than skiing, but it was fun to test it out. 😆😂
Tea and snack breaks are the best 😋 
I signed up for lessons in hopes that my walking with sticks becomes more like graceful gliding over the snow.. 🙌 big dreams! 


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