October 2, 2022 - Iqaluit...wait...what?

I had the opportunity to get back to Iqaluit for work in September. It was really great to be able to visit some friends and get out on the land while I was there!

Down at the beach...at the break water
Out at NuBrew for some beers with friends.
Hiking on the tundra is something I was really missing in Yellowknife so it was nice to have some great weather so I could get out.  

Already starting to ice up. 🧊  
Apex river,  one of my favorite spots close to town
Ventured a little further from town about 8km out from the Road to Nowhere 
The landscape with the absence of trees really shows the raw beauty of the territory. 🙌

I even saw a rabbit
Was even lucky enough to catch an avid blog watcher while in town 😆
The northern lights put on a great show  to end my week back in Iqaluit. The light shows never get old, no matter where I am!



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