June 5 - Sunny Days and Sunny Nights!

It's been a beauty weekend in Yellowknife!  With about 19.5 hours of day light it's delightfully disorientating when it feels like mid-afternoon but it's actually past your bed time! 😆 The solstice is just around the corner so we are still gaining daylight which is amazing. 🙌
These photos are from a Friday evening stroll. The lake is so calm! The urge to get a canoe is growing...
On Saturday morning we walked around Frame Lake - first time snow free. There are some lovely views of downtown from the back side of the lake. 
Nice to see things growing and greening up!
We also encountered some clouds of bugs! 🦟 😬
These ones weren't biting but I am pretty sure it's a sign of what's to come. I will be eaten alive by mosquitoes in the near future!!
We had the pleasure of attending a dinner party at a friend's place Saturday evening. Ryan discovered a new favorite dessert. 😋
We stayed long enough to see the beginning of a great sunset, just before 11pm. Thankful for good conversations to get through the food coma!
Sunday I had the pleasure of greenhouse hopping and meeting the newly planted musk-ox. 😊
We were able to get access to a half garden box behind the condo building so it was fun to choose a few more plants to try to keep alive. 😁 Who doesn't like playing in the dirt!


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