March 29, 2022 - Here we go again

I'm pretty sure I swore I would never do this again and yet it's happening. We're making mittens.... again! 😬
Our materials: beaver 🦫 and moose hide 
This time, we are taking a class on Saturday afternoons, which means homework with real deadlines! 😵‍💫 Our first class was fun and it was nice to meet some new people who are also learning this craft.
As we start this project, I think its important to point out that similar to the seal mittens, this was Ryan's idea. (Insert montage of all the seal mitten making blog posts from a couple years ago.) This time though, Ryan is a big keener and is already finished his homework for the week! We'll see how long his enthusiasm lasts. 🤪 Unlike last time, I'm pretty sure he won't be able to sweet talk our instructor to finish this pair for him! 🤭
As for me...each stitch reminds me that buying hand-made mittens will always be worth every penny!
I'm only half way through my homework and have a bruised sewing thumb! 😟


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