January 16, 2022 - YK Newbies

Hello from Yellowknife! 👋
We are finding our way and slowly getting settled in our new surroundings.
We've done a little exploring in the trees. 🤩🌲 As well as a little city exploring,  although it seems I've taken much fewer city photos compared to tree photos. 😝
This was taken on our way to Canadian Tire! Ryan would like to point out that he is less frosty looking because he had his hood up the entire walk. Definitely makes a difference!
This weekend we unintentionally ended up on the lake and followed the ice road back to town. 🤭
Enjoyed the light display at City Hall.
Some of our things arrived from Iqaluit this week. The arrival of the rest is "to be determined". 🤔
Maxwell started finding new places to perch.
Oh, and we started work. 

With the first awkward week of all the new things behind us, we look forward to whatever comes our way next as we explore more of Yellowknife.


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